Kenne bell on a stock 5.0 NO MODS low end kit
In have 91 5.0 Mustang and I wanted to keep it reliable as stock and keep
my gas mileage the same if possible. I just wanted a little more ZAP when
I punch it. I was looking at the Kenne Bell superchargers and they have
two kits for the 5.0 Fox Mustang. One is a complete kit for a stock engine
and it comes with a 6 or 8 lb pulley. I went with low end kit. It has the 2.1
blower just like the big boy dose --the blowzilla is the big boy if you run
the big boy you need to make some costly modifications I'm not saying it's not worth it I'm just saying my broke *** ain't got it to spend. If you can afford
new injectors bigger fuel pump and a hand full of other parts and then have your car ran on a dyno and a custom chip burnt for the computer then by all means that's the way to go. (really) But back to my world,,,, Ok the kit comes with a FMU to take care of the extra fuel you will need while boosting. I think
it just sort of limits the return fuel line and boost up the fuel pressure and
then the stock injectors dump fuel like crazy (only when boosting)--someone correct me if I'm wrong -- you can't keep the timing advancing like it is when stock or you'll be cooking pistons for dinner. So the instructions tell you how to reset the
timing by retarding it. I didn't want to do this because I figured that if the timing was retarded back from stock all the time I would loose some gas
mileage (bad bad bad) so I called kenne Bell and I ended up running a
MSD-BTM. If your new to supercharging and don't know what that is it's a red
box that you wire into your coil wires and it retards the timing when you
boost. It has a vacuum / boost line running to it so it knows whats going on.
And it looks really cool under the hood. And you keep your timing stock.
It is adjustable and comes with a knob for more or less timing Looks
really racy when you mount it inside the car.OK,, I buy the low end kit and it
takes all day to install --note you can't run any valve covers that are taller than stock even the fined ford racing covers the blower will hit.
The instructions are not to bad if you take your time and read them
thoroughly before you even start or have your first beer.
I'm going to time out so I will continue this in another post page
Please don't ask question or criticize till I'm done with the next page