Hey guys,
I stumbled across this forum after criss-crossing the net trying to figure out how to keep my GT from throw its cog belt.
In short, I have a 2000 Mustang GT that we're doing a custom cog setup using a YSi. It's a two belt system like the 5.0's. The problem is that the belt walks slightly to the back at idle, right to the lip of the idler pulley that Lee at ASP made for us. The lip on the idler is shorter than the belt, so the belt rides up onto the lip slightly and stops. Once on the dyno and under load, the belt gets thrown completely off, landing in the same spot each time under the car.
Lee has made another pulley with a taller lip. We're hoping that that will keep the belt from walking back further. That sounds like it should work, but I'm wondering if there is another underlying problem here that we're not seeing...????Anyone??
FWIW, I noticed the other day that the idler pulley is cocked VERY slightly downward (towards the rad). Would this be enough to throw the belt?? The blower pulled and crank pulley are perfect.
Here's a vid of it idling. When the cam gets pans on the engine from the driver's side, you will notice an idler just below the blower cog. Although that's not the idler Lee made, that's the idler cocked and in question. I've done a bunch of searchs with valuable info on here. Does anyone have anything else to add? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!