The dots looked pretty close when I put it back on, it seemed if I went either way a link, they were off. So here is an update:

I took the car for a ride today. Needed to get gas in it pretty bad, so I figured that would be the test drive. I drove the car like a normal person would on the way to the gas station to be safe. It's about 5 miles to the gas station, so I figured that would be far enough especially since the speed limit doesn't go above 45 on the way. Car drove great to the gast station, and some punk kid in a Fiero kept trying to race. Just my luck when I have no gas and I am hoping my work is good

On the way home, I decided to get on it and make sure everything was good. Went around a 90* corner and hammered it on 2nd all the way through the gear, let off and had to go through another 90* corner and thats when I smelt the coolant. Already know what you're thinking cause I was thinking the same thing ;) So I baby the car home, watching the mirror and watching all the coolant on the road. The water temp read between 185-210 all the way home so I knew I didn't lose all the coolant. I get home look under the hood to see afew odd things.

1.) Just shredded another belt. Good thing I was already home.

2.) Coolant on the timing chain cover where it orginally pooled up when the 1st gasket broke which caused this whole project.

3.) There was coolant on the PASSENGER side lower intake...odd. All the problems have been on the drivers side of the car. I don't have a clue how it got there, but the powerpipe has coolant on it, with the slashes coming from the front towards the drivers side, but there was also coolant back towards the firewall on the passenger side. Heater core is disconnected, and I checked the bypass hose I set up and it was dry.

I am wondering if that missing bolt where that stud is would cause the timing chain cover to leak right there? I am guessing I had been lucky the whole time I have had this car since it never leaked. I did find it very odd that since I broke that gasket where it sticks out, that it would leak and bubble all the time. I didn't think it would break all the way through but if there isn't enough pressure to hold it, I am guessing thats how I got the original leak??

I am both mad and happy about this. I am thrilled that I was able to change out this gasket and the car run properly when I was done. But at the same time, I am pissed because it appears as if I have to do it all over again. I know I should have waited and pulled that stud out, but thats what I get for being impatient. Now that I know what I am doing, I can head down and get the parts and have this done on Saturday, or tomorrow if I am still not working. Then I need to address the belt issue. I will make a seperate post on that.
Thanks for all the help you guys have given me. It has really helped me out. If you happen to have that stud length for the one I am missing, it would be greatly appreciated!! Sorry for the long post.
