Hey, as much as this HURTS, I gotta say thanks to mustang5069 and........atrimterror. (WHAH) Monday night while I was putting my rubber fingerprints in the local country roads, I seem to have developed some noisewith my 351. Being as I am fortunate to have a few buddies who have been around this hobby longer than me (yet still slower than me--LOL)I gave them a call.
Last night we narrowed the noise down to my quess of exhaust leak in the header gasket or collector and the two mentioned above with their more expertise quessed, the valve train may have been a litltle loose instead. Fortunatlly they were wrong, but I was right! WTF do you mean??
See by going into the valve cover we discovered, that all was well with the valve lash, yet one rocker seemed to move more than the others. We (they) discovered that a retaining clip had been sheared off a rocker. Trip to the local hardware at 7:30 and .25 cents later were back in business. Found half of the clip. The other half, I hope to find in the oil filter or stuck to the drain pulg. Will know this afternoon.
Put it back together. Still same noise there. Tinkered around more still no good. What the heck, I have an extra header gasket (back to my theroy), lets change it. Bingo problem solved.
So good thing they wanted to look at the valvetrain, otherwise that probably would have gone undetected untill something major gave way.
Any way thanks,to them,tonight I will be putting some smack down on mustang5069 and scarring atrimterror, Mr. Jackstand extrodinar, of the brutal beating to come this judgement day.
Milan tonight if anyone is intersted (regatee coupe) your time is coming too. :D in case you want to see the power.