A recent post has brought up the need for a Guide for people trying to size up belts. Remember you can measure around the pulleys with a string to get a basis for length. Since we don't have the links page anymore all belt/pulley related info can be added to this thread. If anyone sees a pulley combination not listed on here, please list the pulleys and what size belt you used and who made it in a reply and I will add it to the list. Lastly make sure you know what width belt you need with corresponding pulleys, AKA 8,10 rib for serpentine or 30,50mm for cog belts.
Serpentine Pulleys
Single Tensioner Novi 2000 Passenger Mount
7/3.75 5100575 Dayco Polycog (10 rib)
7/3.5 5100575 Dayco Polycog (10 rib)
Dual Tensioner Novi 2000 Passenger Mount
7/3.5 5100568 Dayco Polycog (10 rib)
6.87/3.00 88GB452P555 Mac Truck Belt (10 rib)
7/3.5 5080560 Dayco Polycog (8 rib)
Dual Tensioner Novi 2000 Driver Side Mount (Renegade/Race)
7/3.0 K080545 Gates (8 rib)
Cogged Pulleys
Single Tensioner Novi 2000 Passenger Mount
73/33 - 1440mm 8M pitch HT - Gates Powergrip GT 2 (50mm wide)
73/32 - 1424mm 8M pitch HT - Bando Synchro-Link (50mm wide)
73/30 - 1392mm 8M pitch HT - Gates (50mm wide)
Dual Tensioner Novi 2000 Passenger Mount
Dual Tensioner Novi 2000 Driver Side Mount (Race)
351 Dual Tensioner Novi 2000 Driver Side Mount (Race)
73/29 - 1440mm 8M pitch HT - Gates Powergrip GT 2 (50mm wide)
73/30 - 1440mm 8M pitch HT - Gates Powergrip GT 2 (50mm wide)
73/31 - 1440mm 8M pitch HT - Gates Powergrip GT 2 (50mm wide)
Companies who make pulleys
Paxton - http://www.paxtonauto.com (serpentine pulleys)
RCD Engineering http://www.rcdengineering.com (cog pulleys and belts)
ASP Racing - http://www.aspracing.com (serpentine and cog belts and pulleys)
Companies who make belts
Goodyear - http://www.goodyear.com [Gatorback] (serpentine belts)
Gates - http://www.gates.com [PowerGrip GT2] (serpentine and cog belts)
Bando - http://www.bandoamerican.com [Synchro-Link HT] (cog belts)
Dayco - http://www.dayco.com [Polycog] (serpentine belts)
Companies you can buy belts from
Hudson Belting - http://www.hudsonbelting.com
Michigan Industrial Belting - http://www.mibelting.com