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Thread: Crohns and Colitis ?

  1. #1
    Senior SCH Member Motleydrew's Avatar
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    Apr 2004

    Crohns and Colitis ?

    I know this is a little of the topic of Superchargers but if you had either of these afflictions its kind of like having am internal Supercharger at times :)

    Just wondering if there is any of you out there dealing with either of these diseases. I unfortunatley have been blessed with ulcerative colitis and am just looking to see if there are any others with similar intresets to me out there.

    Take care

    Rock n Roll :p

  2. #2
    SCH Moderator 5150 LX's Avatar
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    Abilene, TX
    Sorry to hear about that Drew, we touched on the both a bit in Nursing school. You may want to search for an on-line or local support group. Get in contact with the social services person(s) at your local hospital(s), if there is any local groups they'd be the ones to know.

    Good luck and if you have any questions, I'd be glad to find the answers for you.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Motleydrew
    I know this is a little of the topic of Superchargers but if you had either of these afflictions its kind of like having am internal Supercharger at times :)

    Just wondering if there is any of you out there dealing with either of these diseases. I unfortunatley have been blessed with ulcerative colitis and am just looking to see if there are any others with similar intresets to me out there.

    Take care

    Quote Originally Posted by Kato Engineering
    you just like the metric system because when you talk about your organs length, a three digit number seems to you longer than a one digit number....
    Dart Block 331 and No Power Adder, currently in pieces...... :weird:

    Used to run 6.90 @ 100.4 mph in the 1/8th

  3. #3
    Senior SCH Member Motleydrew's Avatar
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    Apr 2004

    Thanks for the offer. I actually have had it for years now and pretty much know every thing about the disease and people trial and tribulations as such. I am just puttin a call out to see if anyone share the intrest of cars and has this problem. Thanks for your intrest, it is appreciated ! I am glad you landed a job ! We can always use more Nurses and Doctors. I know it is a tough gig but the rewards from a personl achievement aspect are huge and please know people like myself do realize what a tough job you have and the care and support you give others in need is admirable.

    Take care and thanks again

    P.S> I assume you are a VanHalan fan :) I'm just feelin a little "Unchained " :)

    Rock n Roll

    The Motley One
    Rock n Roll :p

  4. #4
    SCH Moderator 5150 LX's Avatar
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    Abilene, TX
    Yup, that was where my screen name came from, that and it's connotation with the law enforcement.........

    You are more than welcome, I feel for you to have to contend with such an affliction...
    Quote Originally Posted by Kato Engineering
    you just like the metric system because when you talk about your organs length, a three digit number seems to you longer than a one digit number....
    Dart Block 331 and No Power Adder, currently in pieces...... :weird:

    Used to run 6.90 @ 100.4 mph in the 1/8th

  5. #5
    Junior SCH Member SlowRaptor's Avatar
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    Apr 2004

    (raising hand)

    Quote Originally Posted by Motleydrew
    I know this is a little of the topic of Superchargers but if you had either of these afflictions its kind of like having am internal Supercharger at times :)

    Just wondering if there is any of you out there dealing with either of these diseases. I unfortunatley have been blessed with ulcerative colitis and am just looking to see if there are any others with similar intresets to me out there.

    Take care


    I was diagnosed w/ that in march of 03...its really rough, now they graduated me from u/c to chrohns..thanks to Remecade, ive been back to normal since then..ive always wonderd if there were people out there w/ similar old are you and how long have u had it? any special diets work for you?

  6. #6
    Senior SCH Member Motleydrew's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Hey a Crohnie :)

    I'll email you !
    Rock n Roll :p

  7. #7
    Junior SCH Member SlowRaptor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Motleydrew
    Hey a Crohnie :)

    I'll email you !
    cool, they always told me, "yeah, its pretty common". i guess so that i wouldnt feel so bad, but i do not know a person w/ this ****....

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