Hi there everyone, I'm new to the board and about a year ago I purchased a used paxton sn2000 supercharger. The previous owner of the supercharger claimed he put a rebuild kit in it to the tune of $450, but when he sold it to me he included all the used parts in boxes. After comparing the parts to the rebuild and refresh kits I see available for these superchargers, it looks to me more like he put in a $120 refresh kit.
Instead of just installing the unit and praying it works, I figured it would be a good idea to disassemble and inspect the unit. However when I purchased this unit, I did not realize how hush-hush the tech info on these things really is.
So I plan to take it apart and do an inspection. Take some pics, post them, etc. What are the main areas of concern I should be scrutinizing? From what I've read, the ball drive, shafts and the clearance/tension between the balls and their race seems to be the biggest issue? Previous owner told me that cundForgive me, I am a newbie when it comes to these paxtons so any helpful tips or info you guys can provide would be great. I plan to tear into it this weekend. Also while I have the case apart, I figured this would be the best time to drill the case for an external oil cooling system.
I did contact Craig at Paradise Wheels at one point and he informed me the drag on the front shaft should be 22-25 inch lbs at 15rpm. That's about the only real piece of tech info I have on these units.
I'll start tearing into it saturday and post some pics of what I've all got. Thanks everyone for your help and I look forward to hearing from you.